Aug 19, 2007

Deep blue Ocean

I thought was the deep blue ocean.
The deep blue ocean where I always wanted to float.
I felt naked and then the water was all over me.
It was really deep blue.
I was floating but going deeper.
Though the skin was corroding,
I still thought that this was the deep blue ocean.
The mermaid swam by my side,
she smirked seeing me submerged.
I still believed that it was the blue ocean.
She went far ahead and showed me her claws and laughed.
I felt my skin dissolving.
I thought that this was the ephemeral moment,
but I started to feel it all.
I wanted to be numb,
but the skin kept corroding.
I wanted to hear the loud silence,
but deadening quiet cacophony was all I coul hear.
It still was the deep blue ocean.
I saw an oyster near by.
When I touched it, it burnt my eyes.
I was blind to it all,
but could feel that it was the deep blue ocean.
There was no skin left now,
the noises surrounded my slithering bones.
I could hear a laughter of sarcasm.
Or was it the satisfaction to kill someone.
I could not be sure.
But I chose to think that it was indeed the deep blue ocean.

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