Under normal circumstances, I can be classified as a TV buff. I decided not to get a TV at the new place that I moved in to bring some "discipline" in my life. Anyways, so now that I am home (Delhi) for this sweet little unexpected vacation, I am watching TV like it is nobody's business.
Anyway, let me connect you to that weird ass headline! I was watching couple of movies on STAR Movies, HBO and Zee Studio. And one common thing I observed with all the channels is that all the movies now carry subtitles in English which is obviously helpful at times when the accents are slightly incomprehensible. However, what was not so helpful was the fact that, at times, the subtitles are absolutely wrong, to the extent of being bizarrely insane.
Let’s me enlighten you with some examples: Ofcourse the headline of this post is one of the examples: ‘Bite my "cookie"’ was the subtitle instead of Julia Roberts original dialogue in the brilliant film Erin Brokovich ‘ bite my “ass"’!!!! It is still OK and makes atleast little sense (even though I disagree) to drop the “F” word but to drop the word SEXUALITY!!!!! Now come on guys! Give us a break! Oh another one: Does “crap” sound better/ more sophisticated than “shit”! Well, I really don’t think so but HBO does.
I can only remember these examples for now (because as someone rightly puts it, I have a memory of a Goldfish)...Will keep updating this with more examples and ofcourse you guys are more than welcome to add examples and fight against this serious cause!
Updated: Examples: Old Fart=Oldie and Butt=Backside
LOL Don't even talk about the subtitles hun... you must read the english subtitles they have for hindi movies LMFAO they make no sense and are totally hilarious
omg.. i thot i was the only person lukkha enough to notice this :D
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