Dec 27, 2011

Random Musings

Isn't there something riveting about the phrase 'Random Musings'

It was hard to believe that after years of experience, most of it terrible, I could still get so affected by those little things that lie on the periphery of love. Why did he disappear into thin air? What did I do? Should I message him? Should I call him? Should I write a blogpost about it? At one level, it is a very easy choice. I really don't care about being alone. Really. No, the grapes aren't sour. I have tasted them (No pun intended) They are lusciously sweet. What I miss is honesty. A bit of transparency.

My mind is interestingly complicated enough; I can't attempt to read someone else's and vice versa. I say things like how they are, on my side atleast. And like a friend said today, "Human egos are overated." Yes. I am in this for a short while and I don't feel the need to hide when I am happy or when I am sad or when I am confused or when I am hysterical. I don't particularly enjoy being scared. If I am so cautious and confused, it is all because of experiences, most of which have been terrible, like I said. Not that I am complaining. Not at all.

Even if it is normal, I will find a way to make it slightly weird. I do over think. I do panic early. But I settle down quickly too. That is who I am. I still am crazy. I still am romantic. I still am hopeful. I am a bit bottled up. But that is because I have the potential to be a genie. I am so proud of anyone who is out there with their feelings, hearts tucked up beautifully on their sleeves. Hearts are meant for that. Not to be wrapped under layers of secrecy. Hearts want to feel, they want to be felt. They want fresh air. Mystery is over-rated, (unless its for a better purpose). Not when you are starting a story. Or even vaguely attempting to. And I am not even remotely interested if there is no hint of a story, however short-lived. It cannot be that difficult. Make an effort.

I am absolutely in love with these words by a lovely lady: "These are feelings, man. Feelings must be felt. And expressed. It leads to better productivity. It unleashes creativity. It protects the ozone layer. And ultimately contributes to better sex lives." Natasha Badhwar.


Sohini said...

I like it when people speak their heart.. and write it as well. These are not-so-random musings after all.. I'm sure you feel each word before you pen it!

Anonymous said...

True. One thing I recently learned is that we need to let our guard down and be vulnerable to be able to feel. And really, when I say feel, I mean everything, the joy, the sorrow, the heart ache, the excitement, the jitters, the romance, the anger and the uncertainty. We are nothing but human, we just need to accept that! And honestly, it's more fun that way :)

Vibha said...

beautifully crafted..

payal.k said...

@Sohini: Yes, its all pretty impulsive..hehe

@Sowm: Agree. And we are growing old and more intelligent...hehehehe

@Vibha: Thanks sweetheart. Love you. See you sooon.

Unknown said...

Love this one. Who is this wonderful girl who wrote it.