Sep 19, 2008

The smoke curled up against her face,
Passed through her lips and never went up in the air.
She sat thinking about the old lovers, whose beloved she never was.
There were two rooms in the house,
The house did not have a room for her.
A friend was sitting alongside, sipping coffee with her lover.
She waited and waited for the hour to pass,
And then she remembered that she forgot to turn the hourglass.
She could never know what hour it was,
The moment never went on as did the unending hour
She cursed the moon because it never showed up at the door.
The night knocked on the door and went out of the window.
She refused to smile and refused to cry.
All in all she knew where to hide.


Sowm said...

good one!

Plain Vanilla said...

Payal, Im impressed, dude. Love the stuff