Jan 14, 2009

Facebook is technologically challenged!

So this is how the story goes...My friend calls me up and says "what the fuck is up with ya. You are no longer single." First I thought either he has smoked up, or he is just too bored in life...n as far as I knew I was still not dating anybody (so technically m still "single" as far as i knew)...Then he revealed his source. It was Facebook who had declared to my list of friends that I was "no longer listed as single".

Now, technically it was true...I was no longer "listed" single on stupid Facebook...I had edited the Information block on Facebook and deleted all the personal info like my birthday and relationship status...So that gave me a news feed that you are no longer listed...blah blah blah....I immediately deleted it and presmed that if i am DELETING it that means i dont want it as a news feeed about me...But surely Facebook could not really comprehend what I was trying to convey...

So there goes a news feed to all my friends declaring that I am no longer listed blah blah blah...and most of my friends got happy or excited or curious or surprised or...So I got some messages, some pings on gmail, a wall post, some phone calls!... so not bad ha!

I term it as a "Facebook mishapp"... Anyways, it's just a funny incident n its kinda funny how a recluse like me actually had to define my "relationship status" to people....:)

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