May 12, 2010

What if the mad seer was right?

What if the mad seer was right?
What if his thought wasn’t so juvenile?
What if I am a part of a dream?
A hazy dark tunnel’s end
Which leads to everywhere
And reaches nowhere
Nowhere is the land where I have always wanted to be
Shimmery powdered stars with a dash of moon
This life is all but a vain then
The struggle for happiness empty
As I can be nothing but happy
Insouciance covers this dream
Even when it dons the shadow of a nightmare
It can be your dream
I sit pretty as the calm and turbulent sea
It can be my dream
I keep opening the doors
One after the other
One after the other
Repeatedly, with a new vigor each time
I can even split the two dreams
And merge them and take the one I like
I would love you forever
Love would not be caged in life
It would float in the dream
Redolent of all the memories over centuries

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