First-Abbas Kiarostami’s Shirin. The title took a major chunk of my attention because I am currently reading Orhan Pamuk’s ‘My Name is Red’ which is permeated with the iconic semi-mythic legend of Shirin-Khusrev. Thus, I was quite curious to know their story. However, what made it extremely special for me was the way this story was told by Kiarostami. The entire movie is a spectacle of a number of women who have been doctored by the director to elicit various emotions and these have been cut and pasted at appropriate moments of the story which is narrated only by voices. The story is a highly melodramatic one which I felt was interesting because that made me a captive to the movie. The post movie discussion revealed that Kariostami had shot all these women (including Juliette Binoche) at his house when he did not even know what story he was going to run along with the myriad of emotions that he was capturing. This was my first Kiarostami’s movie and his wonderful experiment has converted me into a fan. Time to source more of his experiments.

Second-Tom Ford’s A Single Man. Features Colin Firth and Julianne Moore. It’s based on a life of a gay man Firth who has lost his partner of 16 years. The movie is like a series of splendid photographs. Each and every shot of the movie is breath-taking, especially the close-ups. Mesmerizing. The relationships are dealt with beautiful complexities. I won’t go much into the story of the movie. Julianne Moore has a short and powerful presence. She looks like the perfect example of vintage beauty and plays her part of a single lonely middle ages woman with extreme panache. It’s a beautiful movie whose each shot is to be savored. PS: All the gay men in the movie are insanely good looking!!

Third-Martin Scorcese’s Shutter Island. This one is a treat for the brain. It is the epitome of edgy psychological thriller. The movie features one of my most favourite actors-Leonardo DiCaprio who has once again excelled himself. The movie takes you through the realms of real, imaginary, dreams, murders, hallucinations, sanity, insanity in a bizarre and eerie land Shutter Island. It gripped me from the very first scene and refused to let go of me even after it ended. Me and my roommate, with whom I had seen the movie, could not let go of it long after we left the theatre. The credit of the story obviously goes to the writer of the novel on which it is based but Scorcese has left no stone unturned to make a chilling, thrilling and fascinating brain twister! Must-Must-Must Watch!!!
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