Finally got to see Danny Boyle's much acclaimed film 'Trainspotting' yesterday. Just had some thoughts after watching the movie. The movie is based on heroin addiction and the follow up destruction and resurrection of some characters.Ok, don't get me wrong. I am not comparing movies here but I automatically started thinking about another great movie in this genre after watching this- 'Requiem for a Dream'.

Both the movies are quite different in techniques and even in the type of substance abuse..But one, sort of a, holistic moral theme ( if I can call it) is the fatal destruction of the characters. Now Danny isn't that harsh to the characters I feel and I like this. I know it sounds too moralistic but I always like the open ended endings.I don't necessarily mean "happy" endings.
Anyways, I like the fact that in 'Trainspotting' after repeatedly trying to make the effort to quit, Renton walks away with that money to start a new life. Now this will sound like a cliche but you never know, he might just go crack another heroin deal.He might not be able to quit after all. He did have a cool life in London earlier but he still got back to his smack "for the last time" two times after that. Anyways, the point is that 'Requiem For a dream' shows the complete nasty annihilation of its characters. It goes down and down and down and so deep that the only positive ending can be in "heaven".
Even 'Basketball Diaries' for that matter (which btw is Leonardo DiCaprio's one of the best films) shows the character in real deep filthy shit but I like the way it ends.
In terms of depiction of destruction, I think all the films have excelled. I love the way all these three are shot. Obviously in terms of cinematography, I think the most gorgeous one is 'Requiem for a Dream'. Love those snappy snapshots..Brilliant stuff.
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