A number of ideas have been somersaulting in my head lately. Ideas, words, string of words, stories et al. Obviously, I am not even in a state to separate bad and good ideas (If there is anything like that). They are actually flowing in the most purest form, without any external trigger as such, except for inspiration.
There are weird and bizarre things that inspire me to write. Right now, it is love :) And an immense amount of it. Like Peggy Olsen from Mad Men would say, "I am in a wonderful space right now" .
Anyways, keeping the ideas scribbled on a sheet of paper for now. Will have loads to flesh out, hopefully, out when I get my new laptop next month :)
Oh lord! Now you're gonna get a sweet and mushy on your blog, are you?
hehehehe...no man!!! That is only limited to my inspiration...the posts that follow wont be mushy! :p
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