Mar 14, 2008

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Gabriel Garcia Marquez has become one of my favourite writers.Over the last few months i have kinda become obsessed with his style of writing.Its not like he is the only wonderful writer that i have come across.However, there is something magical, a sort of "madness" in his writing.I don't know how to really explain it but there is a kinda passion which is agressive and yet laidback.

You actually get a sense that he is on dope and just pouring the words on the paper unfiltered and thats the most wonderful writing according to me. I have just read three of his books til now, 100 years of Solitude, Love in the times of cholera and Chronicle of a Death Foretold and somehow each book has taken me to the other, if you know what I mean. However, they are completely disconnected with each other. Such amazing themes; themes which i can only associate with Marquez and no one else.

I am looking for 'General in his Labyrinth' these days....Gettin addicted to Marquez I guess...:)


Nirmal said...

will try to get one of his book 4 myself too...
hope its grt.....

P2C2U said...

I completely get what you're talking about. Marquez has that quality that all master storytellers do of taking you into a completely different world, where everything is so unreal and unfamiliar and yet you feel like you've experienced it all.

by the way, if you liked Marquez, you might also enjoy Milan Kundera. A different kind of magic, but just as heartfelt.
