Nov 25, 2010

Novel Concept

I was watching this really wonderful interview last night on Lok Sabha TV of one of my most favourite people on earth-Gulzar.At the end of the interview Gulzar confessed that one thing he would have liked to tried his hand at but couldn't was writing a novel. The canvas of a novel is too different from a short story or a screenplay, said Gulzar.I couldn't agree more

The space of the Novel is really something else. As an amateur writer, I can say that writing a short story is really easy as it is just a description of a thought I have in Mind. A short story is like a moment. A moment is easy to flow with ink on a paper.

However, I guess that putting a lot of coherent moments in a string to make a novel must be a tough task. Recently, I am writing about something very close to my heart. While its has gone beyond the realms of a short story but I will still call it that. I am not able to string it all together. Even though this piece of writing is absolutely for my personal pleasure but I am almost struggling with connecting the numerous snippets that I have written.

I have a new found respect for all the (good) Novel writers. The dedication and craft that Novel writing requires is monstrously huge!

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