“When I got my first television set, I stopped caring so much about having close relationships,” said Andy Warhol. I couldn't agree more. The cute little idiot box is indeed my best friend. Anyways this post is not about delving into the nuances of my relationship with it.
I just realised that I am currently completely addicted to STAR World. Initially, it started because my cable guy did not broadcast half of the the channels that I usually watch and also because of my dad's totally ridiculous and pointless theory that his laptop will get spoilt if I watch movies on it! Anyway, so broadly this is how I got hooked on to STAR World. It has awesome programming, atleast during the prime time. Some of the current crop of shows on the channel including Masterchef Australia, Modern Family, Simpsons, How I met your Mother, Lie to Me and the newly launched Burn Notice are pretty cool.

So on a usual weekday, I generally kick off the STAR World marathon at about 9 pm with Masterchef which is in its finals now. I am completely in love with the show and its contestants ;)
After this, I used to watch Lie to Me but now that has ended. The new show that comes at 10 is Burn Notice whose protagonist was initially publicised as "James Bond of TV!!!!"...Yes, advertising can be misleading, as someone on Twitter just pointed out. However, the show seems okay so far (its two episodes old).
This is followed by my most favourite show currently 'Modern Family'. Its a "mockumentary" style of a comedy sitcom.Its simply superb. (I watch the repeats also!!!) Must Watch
This is followed by repeats of Simpsons. Then at 12, there is "How I Met Your Mother" which is a sort of a 'Friends' me too but grows on you gradually and is fun. Then I wind up with re-re-re-re-re repeats of 'Friends' at 12.30.
I literally had tears of joy when Adam won you know :P
hehe...yeah it was very sweet...i felt bad for Callum..he is soo cute..:)
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