On Friday, The Dark Knight was on on WB channel and I was watching it for the 27th or 28th time. I am obsessed about this film. Before I get carried away, let me come to the reason for this post. So while watching the movie, I realised that Aaron Eckhart's half burnt face (which is an important theme in the movies!) has been blurred, or rather blackened. Now come on. Are you really serious! You change "shit" into "crap" in sub-titles, its alright (Honestly, even thats a mystery to me, but whatever!) You beep "ass", "fu*k", okay cool. No problem. You cut important love-making scenes even though they might be an integral part of the movie and the plot, but okay, whatever for that too. But why the fu*k will you not show Aaron Eckhart's half burnt face!!! Why? Why? Why? How can that affect anyone in this world! How can that be offensive!
Then next day, they show Sex and the City movie and forget to blur this Steve guy's bare bums after he walks out of an unsuccessful make-out session with his wife. I mean if its okay to see Steve's bums, then why not poor Eckhart's half burnt face. Its better looking (and more meaningful) than Steve's bums..
You get the point right...
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