Well, alomost all of us knew that there is something special about this man...His campaigns before elections infused energy in the gloomy recession era..Somewhere, people had the gut feeling that this man is THE change that USA and in turn, the rest of the world needs..His eclectic and charming personality won him the US elections and hearts of lot of crazy Americans and I am sure, many Indians too.
Anyways what triggered this flow of adulation for him right now is Mr Obama's presence in David Letterman show on STAR World. He had made an appearnce on the show while he was campaigning and had "promised" to come back if he wins the election. I had never seen that episode. David just mentioned it on this particular episode. Well, here he was, super down-to-earth yet very firm-in-his-beliefs president of USA talking about economy, job scene in US, Afganistan, Iraq amidst cheers and claps and some nice and some cheeky jokes of Mr Letterman.
I was just really impressed to see the President so relaxed and soooo close to the public. He just seemed soo accessible. There is just something about him.....
I like!
1 comment:
And I loved it when he called Kanye West a jackass lol that was classic! I love this man!
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