Oct 18, 2009

Blind Alley

Lights and lights everywhere
I walk down a blind alley
Blind as the sea in the dark
Blind as the moon in the day
A stream of colors light the sky
Sparkling brilliance all over the world
I look down and smile
At the irony of fact and fiction
Force myself to climb up the wall
Can’t be locked here forever
I sit amidst strangers
Smile sheepishly at everything said
While secretly listening to the music of colors
I am lost as lost can be
I criticize myself and the world sometimes
It rains heavily in the dark
The cab driver takes his last passenger of the night
He drives up the blind alley and soon finds himself at home
His wife, his children, his mother and his furniture
The city moans, cries, laughs and complains
It is so dark that one can’t find home
Yet they all sleep in homes
I think this and a lot more
And doze off at a nice cozy corner of the blind alley

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