In 2001, two great people in the world, Abby Wilner and Alexandra Robbins, identified the issue thar I am suffering from currently, Quarterlife Crisis.
Well, till sometime back I didn’t know the name of my “problem”. But then I was very happy to discover that I suffer from a totally cool psychological disease.
Basically, I tried to make a transition from writing to being an assistant to a director (That’s called DA in the direction lingo!). And honestly, it’s an experiment/sabbatical phase for me. I am trying something out and taking a break. That’s all.
I am in a phase where I just can’t seem to go back to a fixed routine. I am just in my own world. Thinking of new ideas...Financially, it’s a big risk. But leaving that aside, it’s a really great time of my life. My thoughts are just all over the place and I really like it this way. I don’t want them to follow a given fixed boring stream.
PS: Soon you will see a new version of this blog with some really interesting stuff!! Watch this space for more. (Journalism cliché!)
"Really interesting stuff"
I'm still waiting.
That sounds exciting. I'm sure you're makign the most of this spare time. You said something yesterday. I still maintain that you should write it as a poem. =)
Lol. This blog title was my my exact comment on a different post 3 mins back.
Ok! I must get back to work now :|
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